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Assessment of Seismic Performances of Overrun SRC Frame-Supported Shear Wall Structure

作  者: ; ; ; ; (李光星);

机构地区: 华南理工大学土木与交通学院

出  处: 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期35-42,共8页

摘  要: 通过对普通与带粘滞阻尼器的型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构进行动力时程分析与静力弹塑性分析,获得结构地震需求曲线和抗震能力曲线,开展抗震性能评估并检验是否达到预期的性能目标;此外,分析了塑性铰的分布与发展,揭示出型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构的破坏机制.结果表明:粘滞阻尼器有效地降低了型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构的地震响应,在不同强度地震作用下结构峰值位移和最大层间位移角最大减幅分别为35%和38%,带粘滞阻尼器型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构的地震需求降幅介于14%~54%之间;型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构最终形成以梁铰为主的破坏机制,结构破坏时大部分转换构件与剪力墙仍处于弱非线性状态,原结构设计达到"中震作用下框支层与避难层处转换构件与剪力墙仍处于弹性范围"的抗震性能目标. The dynamic time history and push-over analyses of SRC ( Steel-Reinforced Concrete) frame-supported shear wall structures with and without viscous dampers were carried out to obtain the seismic demand and capacity curves, and the seismic performances of the structures were evaluated and the expected performance objects were verified. Then, by analyzing the distribution and development of plastic hinges, the failure mechanism of the struc- tures was investigated. The results show that viscous dampers effectively decrease the seismic responses of the struc- tures ~ that the peak displacement and the maximum inter-story drift angle of the structures respectively decrease by 35% and 38% under earthquake actions with different intensities, that the seismic demand of the structure with viscous dampers decreases by 14% to 54% , that beam hinge failure is dominant in the structure fai-lure, and that most of transfer components and shear walls are still kept in weakly nonlinear state when the structure fails. Thus, the seismic performance object, namely transfer components and shear walls at the transfer and refuge stories are in elastic state under medium earthquake actions, is achieved.

关 键 词: 型钢混凝土 框支剪力墙 抗震性能 粘滞阻尼器 动力时程分析 静力弹塑性分析 峰值位移 最大层间位移角

领  域: [建筑科学]




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