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Exploration on Application of Harmonic Analysis Algorithm

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东电网公司

出  处: 《广东电力》 2013年第4期22-26,共5页

摘  要: 谐波电能计量的谐波分析过程因插值算法的选择不同而带来计算时间的差异,从而影响能量计算的实时性。通过对谐波分析插值算法进行分析和讨论,指出采用简单快捷的插值算法既能保证计算精度,又能满足对计算实时性的要求,是一种可取的实现方案,实验分析结果证明了设计的正确性。 For reason of different choice of interpolation algorithm in process of harmonic analysis of harmonic electric ener- gy measuring, it may result in time difference which will affect real-time of energy calculation. Therefore, by analyzing and discussing interpolation algorithm of harmonic analysis method, this paper points out that it is able to ensure calculation pre- cision and satisfy requirement for real-time of the calculation by using simple and rapid interpolation algorithm which is a kind of desirable realization scheme ~ The experimental analysis result shows correction of this way of design.

关 键 词: 谐波分析 快速傅里叶变换 电能计量 插值算法

领  域: [电气工程]




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