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Population Dynamics of Light-trap Collections of Lisorhoptrus oryzophilus in Guizhou Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 贵州大学农学院贵州省山地农业病虫害综合防治重点实验室

出  处: 《西南农业学报》 2013年第2期572-575,共4页

摘  要: 为了摸清稻水象甲在贵州高原山地环境下的种群动态,并对有效控制稻水象甲的发生及扩散提供参考,于2011年和2012年在贵州省平坝、息烽和花溪进行了稻水象甲成虫的灯诱试验。结果表明:贵州稻水象甲成虫灯下始见日在4月上旬至5月上旬,终见日在8月上旬至9月下旬;始见日至高峰日间隔在9~37 d,平均24 d。灯下虫峰数量2~3个,主峰期较明显,多在5月上旬至6月上旬。全年灯下有虫日数在20~51 d。越冬代成虫上灯数量远高于新一代成虫。贵州稻水象甲成虫总体为灯下种群数量较少,上灯日数不多,始见日、高峰日、终见日在各地间以及年份间有较大的变化。 A trial of the population dynamics of light-trap collections of L. oryzophilus from three counties of Pingba, Xifeng and Huaxi was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to explore the population dynamics of L. oryzophilus and provide a reference for effectively controlling its occur-rence and diffusion in mountainous region of Guizhou plateau. The results showed that its first appearance was from early April to March, and last appearance was from early August to late September. The period from the first appearance to the peak day was 9 - 37 days, with an aver-age of 24 days. There were 2 - 3 population peaks in one year, and only one main peak period, during early May to early June. The period of one year when we can collect the L. oryzophilus under light-trapped was 20 - 51 days. The number of the overwintering adults light-trapped was more than that of the new generation. In general, the population number of light-trap collections was fewer, and the period when we can collect the L. oryzophilus under light-trapped was only a few days in a whole year. The first appearance day, peak day and the last appearance day had great changes both in years and regions.

关 键 词: 稻水象甲 灯诱 种群动态 贵州

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 张国萍
作者 杨明玉


机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系
机构 热带亚热带生态研究所


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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