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Survey of HIV/AIDS related knowledge,attitude and behavior in medical college students

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 三峡大学医学院

出  处: 《中国校医》 2013年第4期241-244,共4页

摘  要: 目的了解医学生对艾滋病相关知识的认知水平、态度和行为现状,为制订有针对性的艾滋病预防教育措施提供科学依据。方法采用自制调查问卷,对某校医学院临床医学、医学影像学和中医学3个专业的800名医学生进行问卷调查,对其中728例有效问卷进行统计分析。结果调查对象对艾滋病三大传播途径的知晓率很高,均高于99%,对于母乳传播、产道传播和蚊虫叮咬不能传播艾滋病的知晓率相对偏低,分别为70.19%、42.58%和70.19%;对于艾滋病是乙类传染病吗、艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染的‘窗口期’内能检测到抗体吗等专业问题答对率较低,分别为25.41%和47.80%;调查对象对艾滋病恐怖心理严重,52.35%的医学生不愿去有艾滋病患者的科室工作,43.82%的医学生不愿意从事艾滋病预防控制工作。对艾滋病相关知识需求率高,最希望获取艾滋病知识的途径为专题讲座。4.12%的医学生与异性发生过性行为,安全套使用率低,仅为40%,另有1.79%的有过同性性行为。结论需要在医学生中加大对艾滋病知识宣传力度,改善教育方式,提高艾滋病相关知识的认知水平,使之正确对待艾滋病病人,并减少个人高危行为。 Objective To understand the status of HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitude and behavior among the medical college students, so as to provide the evidence for the development of targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and education measures. Methods A total of 800 medical college students frcrn clinical medicine, medicine imaging medicine and traditional medicine were investigated by self-made questionnaire, and 728 cases of effective questionnaire were collected and analyzed. Results The rate of awareness of the three major mutes of HIV/AIDS transmission was higher than 99%, but the rate of awareness that HIV can be transmitted through breast-feeding and birth canal and cannot be tranmlitted by mosquito bites was relativdy lower (70.19%, 42.58% and 70.19%, respectivdy) . For same professional problems such as "is AIDS a B class infectious diseases", "can antibody be detected during the window period' in H1V infection", the correct rate was lower (25.41% and 47.80%, respectively). There were still sane students wlno were in great terror of AIDS, 52.53% medical students would not work in sections which had AIDS patients, and 43.82% were unwilling to engage in AIDS prevention and control. The students were in high need of HIV/AIDS related knowledge, and most of them want to get it from lectures. Totally 4.12% of medical students have had heterosexual behavior, but the rate of conckxn usage was low (40%), and 1.47% of medical students have had behavior. Conelmions The education of HIV/AIDS should be strengthened in order to improve the cognitive level of HIV/AIDS Mated knowledge in medical students, which will also be benefit to make them treat AIDS patients correctly and reduce personal high-risk behavior.

关 键 词: 成年人 学生 医科 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 健康知识 态度 实践

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 侯虹
作者 刁伟霞
作者 潘杰
作者 刘先国
作者 李爱群


机构 中山大学
机构 汕头大学医学院
机构 临床医学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院营养与食品卫生学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟