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Heavy Metal combined Pollution in Soil and Hyperaccumulating Performance of Local Plant in Hunan Yueyang Lead-zinc ore

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 南昌航空大学

出  处: 《南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第1期42-46,共5页

摘  要: 通过对湖南岳阳市桃林铅锌冶炼厂生产区及银滩尾矿植物和土壤的研究结果表明,该矿区土壤存在较为严重的重金属复合污染,其中铅、锌、铜污染最为严重,铅含量超过标准值约53倍,锌含量超过标准值约46倍。8种植物对铅、锌、铜耐受性较强,其中芭茅、蒲公英分别对Pb和Zn的富集系数大于1,芭茅根系内Pb含量高达702.6mg/kg,对锌的转移系数大于1,尽管未能达到超累积植物的临界标准(1000mg/kg),但其富集性能远超过清洁地区生长的植株。这些植物在矿区经受了高含量重金属的长期"驯化",已经具备了超累积植物的某些基本特征,并对复合重金属污染具有一定的修复效果。 The local plants and soil around Yueyang lead - zinc ore of Hunan and Yintan tailings were investigated in this research. The results show that the soil of mining area has been seriously polluted by combined heavy metal, and the pollution of lead, zinc and copper in this area is the most serious. Lead content in this soil is about 53 times more than standard value of soil, and zinc content is 46 times more than standard value of soil. Eight kinds of local plants have strong tolerance to combined heavy metal. The enrichment coefficient of Pb and Zn in Miscanthus floridulus ( Labill. ) Warb. and Dandelion is greater than 1, Pb content in the root of Miseanthus floridulus ( Labill. ) Warb. is as high as 702.6 mg/kg, the transfer coefficient of Zn in Miseanthus floridulus ( Labill. ) Warb. is also greater than 1. Although this plant has not reached the critical standard of hyperaceumulators (1000 mg/kg) ,their enrichment ability for composite heavy metals is more excellent than normal plant of clean area. During the process of long - term domestication in the mining area, these plants have gained the basic characteristics of hyperaccumulators. All these plants make a contribution to restore the heavy metal combined pollution in this mining area.

关 键 词: 超累积植物 复合重金属污染

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 王嘉铭
作者 黄雪夏


机构 中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院
机构 广州大学


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