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Effect of Stalk Damage by Borers on Quality of Sugarcane

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学农学院

出  处: 《甘蔗糖业》 2013年第1期27-31,共5页

摘  要: 用3种取样方法测定6个甘蔗品种5个品质指标,分析蔗茎螟虫害对收获期甘蔗的品质影响。结果表明:蔗茎蔗糖分和蔗汁还原糖分的方差分析在参试的品种间呈现出极显著的差异性(P<0.01),说明了本研究的6个参试品种具有多种基因型的代表性;蔗茎受螟虫为害后,其甘蔗品质均有负影响,而品种间有一定的差异性。在3种取样方法间,蔗茎蔗糖分、蔗汁锤度、蔗汁简纯度和蔗汁重力纯度这4个品质指标的平均测定值均表现为:有虫蔗茎<随机蔗茎<无虫蔗茎;蔗茎螟害使蔗茎蔗糖分降低0.69%~3.09%(绝对值,下同),平均为1.33%。而蔗汁还原糖分的平均测定值表现为:有虫蔗茎>随机蔗茎>无虫蔗茎,蔗茎虫害可使蔗汁还原糖分提高0.08%~0.26%,平均为0.17%。 Five cane quality indexes of six sugarcane varieties in harvest were analyzed with three sampling methods. Results Showed that there was a significant difference (P〈0.01) in the variance analysis of sucrose content in cane, fiber content in cane and reduced sugar content in juice among the varieties, implying the representativeness of six varieties with multi-genotypes. There was a negative effect of stalk damaged by borers on cane quality, and there was difference among varieties. Average measure values of sucrose content in cane, brix in juice, apparent purity in juice and gravity purity in juice showed as follow: borer damaged 〈 randomized sampling 〈 free borer damage, and sucrose content in cane reduced by 0.69% to 3.09% (absolute value, the same as below), with the average of 1.33%. Average measure values of fiber content in cane and reduced sugar content in juice showed as follow: borer damaged 〉 randomized sampling 〉 free borer damage, and the reduced sugar content in juice increased by 0.08% to 0.26%, with average of 0.17%.

关 键 词: 甘蔗 螟害 品质 蔗糖分

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 俞守华


机构 华南农业大学
机构 广州大学


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