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Research on Industry Diffusion Model with the Hypothesis of Industry Heterogeneity——Based on the Case Study of Inter-regional Movement of Industries in Guangdong Province

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中共广东省委党校

出  处: 《产业经济研究》 2013年第2期10-20,64,共12页

摘  要: 产业的集聚和扩散是区域发展的向心力和离心力相互作用的结果,而二者的大小又要受到行业关联效应和要素结构的影响。由于关联效应和要素结构不同,不同类型产业表现出不同的扩散特征:关联度低、劳动密集度低的产业扩散倾向不强,多在经济条件类似的地区之间扩散;关联度高、劳动密集度低的产业地区粘性最强,核心企业一般不会改变生产区位,通常会发生配套企业向周边邻近地区转移的的空间连续性扩散;关联度高、劳动密集度高的产业扩散具有一定的倾向,核心企业可能会迁移,并引起配套企业集体向要素成本较低的地区扩散;关联度低、劳动密集度高的产业扩散倾向最强,区位迁移通常会跨越较大的空间维度。各级政府在制定促进产业和区域协调发展政策时,应充分考虑不同产业的扩散特征,增加区域政策工具的针对性和有效性。 Whether industry agglomerates or disperses depends on the interaction between centripetal forces and centrifugal forces along with the development of regional industry,which are affected by linkage effect and factor structure.Because of difference in linkage effect and factor structure,different industries present varied spread patterns.Industries with low correlation degree and low labor density prefer original location,and usually move to regions of similar economic condition.Industries with high correlation degree and low labor density show strongest locational stickiness,the core enterprises usually don’t change the location of production,and the related enterprises tend to move to the adjacent areas.Industries with high correlation degree and high labor density have a certain tendency to diffuse,the core enterprises may change location,and cause the supporting enterprises move collectively to areas with low production factors’ cost.Industries with low correlation degree and high labor density are most inclined to spread,which generally means relocating productive facilities in relatively distant periphery areas.Governments need to recognize the different patterns of industry geographical movement while making policy to harmonize economic development in different regions to improve it’s pertinency and effectiveness.

关 键 词: 部门异质性 产业关联度 劳动密集度 产业扩散 广东省

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 朱殊洋
作者 徐跃华
作者 刘栩


机构 广东行政学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 广州大学
机构 中共广州市委党校


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟