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Performance analysis of relay selection scheme based on SDF protocol

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《计算机工程与设计》 2013年第4期1186-1191,共6页

摘  要: 在研究无线协作分集网络中的选择性解码转发协议的基础上,对两种中继选择方案的性能进行了研究,推导了瑞利衰落下的两种策略的中断概率精确闭式结果,给出了高信噪比时的中断概率近似表达式和分集复用折衷。通过理论分析和数值仿真结果得出:基于源与中继之间的链路选择策略的性能并不随着待选中继节点数目的变化而变化;而根据中继和目的点之间的链路性能来选择中继的策略性能随着中继节点数目的增多其性能明显提高,且中继节点越是靠近源和目的节点的中间位置,其性能越优。 Two kinds of relay selection schemes based on selective decode-and-forward (SDF) protocol in wireless cooperative di- versity network are studied, and closed-form expressions for exact outage probabilities in rayleigh fading channels are derived. In the high signaLto-noise ratio (SNR) regime, approximate expressions of outage probabilities and the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) performance are derived. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation results show that the performance of re- lay selection strategy based on links between the source and the relay is not related to the number of candidate relay nodes. While the performance of relay selection strategy using the link between the relay and objective node is improved significantly with the relay node numbers increasing, and it is also found that the more relay nodes close to middle position between the source and the destination node, the better its performance is.

关 键 词: 协作通信 选择性解码转发 瑞利衰落 中断概率 分集复用折衷

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]




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