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Urbanization and Energy Revolution

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学天然气利用研究中心

出  处: 《中外能源》 2013年第4期13-18,共6页

摘  要: 中城镇化与能源革命已成为新的经济增长模式的两翼,城镇化需要通过能源革命为其提供有效的能源供应保障。现有大、中城市周边的新开发区是城镇化的主力,农村地区的城镇化、现代化也极为必要,农民的市民化是在中心城镇实现能源革命的前提。2011年中国能源弹性系数高达0.8,2012年煤炭消耗达到36.5×108t,超过了"十二五"规划2015年的消耗量,以煤炭为主的能源生产模式和高耗能、高污染、高排放的能源利用模式再也不能持续下去了,"十八大"之所以将"能源生产和利用模式的转变"上升到"革命"的高度,正是针对这种局面提出来的。"能源生产方式的革命"是坚持和加快一次能源向低碳转型,加速提高清洁、低碳能源占一次能源的比重;"能源利用方式的革命"是摈弃传统粗犷的能源利用模式,采取科学用能模式。城镇化为我国实现工业和建筑物能源利用方式的革命提供了绝好的机遇,应与之同步规划建设适应中国国情的天然气DES/CCHP能源系统。经量化计算,若2015年新区应用天然气CCHP的比率能达到40%,使能效达到70%以上,总能耗就可降至39×108t标煤,能源强度比2010年降低18%;二氧化碳排放量可降至80.5×108t,碳强度比2010年降低22%。另外,交通运输的能源革命也不容忽视。 Urbanization and energy revolution are the two wings of the new economic growth mode.The urbanization effort needs an effective energy supply guarantee provided by the energy revolution.New develop ment zones around existing large and medium-sized cities are the main forces driving forward urbanization and the urbanization and modernization of rural areas are also very necessary.The citizenization of rural resi dents is the precondition for an energy revolution in central towns.China ′ s energy elasticity coefficient in 2011 was as high as 0.8 and coal consumption in 2012 reached 36.5 ×108t,higher than the consumption expected in the country′s Twelfth Five Year Plan for 2015.The coal-dominant energy production and highly energy-intensive,highly-polluting and high-emission mode of energy utilization should not last any longer.The decision of the 18th National Congress of the CPC to heighten "a shift in the modes of producing and utilizing energy" to a "revolution" level was just made against this background.The essence of the "revolution in the mode of energy production" is to move at a faster pace toward the use of low-carbon primary energy sources and to further raise the share of clean-burning and low-carbon energy sources in the primary energy mix.The essence of the "revolution in the mode of energy utilization" is to switch away from the traditional extensive use of energy and to use energy in a more efficient and scientific manner.Urbanization has provid ed an excellent opportunity for pushing a revolution in the way of using energy in industry and buildings and the country should plan and deploy natural gas DES/CCEP systems suitable for the country ′ s specifics while urbanization is progressing.Calculations show that if 40% of all new development areas around large towns introduce the CCHP systems to raise the energy efficiency to over 70% by 2015,the total energy consumption would drop to 39×108t of coal equivalent and the energy intensity would drop by 18% compared to 2010.Carbon

关 键 词: 城镇化 能源革命 能源生产模式 能源利用模式 能源强度 碳强度

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理]


作者 兰军芝
作者 吴贾
作者 王志勇
作者 刘玉洁
作者 罗文娟


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学


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作者 黄嘉涛
作者 欧晓万
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