机构地区: 电子科技大学中山学院
出 处: 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第2期56-62,共7页
摘 要: 天线设备识别时间长甚至设备不能被识别、通用性差是当前设备扫描算法常见的问题.提出基于2-1掩码推进的通用远程电倾角天线设备扫描算法.算法结合1位掩码推进树型扫描算法和2位掩码推进树型扫描算法的优点并合理利用UID分布的特点,在设备数较多时采用2位掩码推进来减少碰撞周期数,在设备数较少时采用1位掩码推进来减少空闲周期数.仿真结果证明,该算法不仅具有较高的扫描效率,而且具有较好的通用性. Long identifying time of antenna device,unidentified device,and bad versatility are the common problems of the current remote electrical tilt device scanning algorithm.General remote electrical tilt antenna device scanning algorithm based on 2-1 mask-bit increasing was proposed.The algorithm combined the advantages of both 1 and 2 mask-bit increasing based on tree algorithm,and reasonably took advantages of distribution feature of device UID,that could effectively reduce the number of idle cycles and collision cycles.Simulation results showed that the algorithm not only had a high scanning efficiency,but also had good versatility.