机构地区: 成都理工大学沉积地质研究所油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室
出 处: 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第2期170-178,共9页
摘 要: 探讨西昆仑叶尔羌河流域河流阶地的类型及沉积物特征,为进一步研究西昆仑第四纪以来的隆升历史和对新构造运动的沉积响应提供依据。从新疆叶城县南叶尔羌河流域3条河流阶地剖面的实测数据入手,以各级阶地孢粉样品的分析为主要方法。结果表明叶尔羌河流域发育的河流阶地主要为基座阶地和堆积阶地。孢粉的主要类型在各级阶地发育过程中没有发生大的变化,表明构造作用在阶地发育过程中占主导。 This paper discusses the main types and the sedimentary characteristics of river terraces in Yarkand River to supply evidences for further researching the uplifting history and the sedimentary response to neotectonics since Qualernary period. The data is from 3 measured sections of the river terraces in West Kunlun and the main method is to analyze the samples of sporopollen at all levels of terraces. The results show that the river terraces developed in Yarkand River watershed are mainly pedestal terraces and accumulation terraces. Furthermore, the main forms of sporopollen have not been changed greatly in their growth. This suggests that tectogenesis dominates in the formation of river terraces.