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Study of Path-cycle Subgraph and Cycle Packing in Uniform Exchange Problem

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 国防科学技术大学计算机学院

出  处: 《计算机工程》 2013年第4期305-308,共4页

摘  要: 利用制服型号数有限这一特征,对制服调换(UE)问题和以物易物的制服调换(BUE)问题各给出一个快速的线性时间算法。在常量阶有向图上,将BUE转化为一个顶点容量约束的整值最大环流问题,提出其整数线性规划表示,论证其可行域的整性。证明BUE的最优解必为对应UE的一个最优解子图。实验结果表明,UE和BUE的渐进最优值相同。 Utilizing the finiteness of the uniform type number, this paper presents faster linear time algorithms for the Uniform Exchange(UE) problem and the Barter Uniform Exchange(BUE) problem. BUE is Transfered into a vertex constraint integer value maximum circulation problem on a constant order digraph, and the integrality of the feasible region of BUE's integer linear programming formulation is proved. It is demonstrated that any optimal solution to BUE must be a subgraph of some optimal solution to the corresponding UE, and experimental results show that the two problems share a same asymptotical optimal values.

关 键 词: 制服调换 路圈子图 圈包装 环流 线性规划松弛

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]




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