作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
出 处: 《盐业史研究》 2013年第1期12-21,共10页
摘 要: 两淮盐场的私盐问题从明初开始便一直存在。嘉靖三十一年(1552)到三十八年,大股倭寇骚扰两淮盐场,原在盐场附近兴贩私盐的部分盐徒加入倭寇,成为"奸细";另一部分盐徒则响应官府的招募,成为灶勇,获得王朝的身份认可。倭寇平定之后,王朝国家通过旌表有功之人,在两淮恢复其统治,重建社会秩序。但是由于私盐的巨大利润,许多盐徒重操旧业,恢复兴贩私盐。他们贿赂官员,私相授受,而通过抗倭所获得的正统身份则成为了最好的保护伞。 Since the early Ming Dynasty, salt smuggling had been a problem in Lianghuai saltern. From 1552 to 1559, when the Japanese pirates invaded Lianghuai saltern, some of the smugglers joined the pirates, being their spies, while the others followed the army recruitment, becoming "Zaoyong", the soldier of salt producer's army, fighting against Japanese pirates and gaining legal status from the government. After the pacification, government tried to reconstruct the society and restore Lianghuai salt administration by commending those who had rendered meritorious service. However, due to the great profit of salt smuggling, many salt smugglers resumed their business, bribing the officials and selling salt secretly. Thus, their legal identities turned into their perfect shields.