作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学旅游学院
出 处: 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期48-54,共7页
摘 要: 进入新世纪之后,国际宏观环境的变化对中国会展业产生了较大影响。文章揭示我国会展业外部宏观环境的变化及其不确定性,以"广交会"为例深入分析这种变化对我国会展业的影响。同时,针对国际宏观环境变化及其特点,从深入研究、构建预防机制入手,提出了对内练好内功、积极参与国际合作与竞争两条腿走路策略,旨在增强中国会展业应对国际宏观环境变化的能力,确保我国会展业在新世纪健康平稳发展。 The changing global macroeconomic environment has had profound impacts on China's EXPO industry in the new century. The paper studies the global macroeconomic environment from the geographical perspective, focusing on its changes and the increasing uncertainties. It analyzes its influences on China's EXPO industry in depth using the example of Canton Fair, and proposes the strategy of deepening reform and opening up, so as to strengthen the capacities of China's EXPO industry, and ensure its stable growth in the new century.