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Flowering characteristics of high yield peanuts varieties introduced into Liaoning Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 沈阳农业大学农学院

出  处: 《中国油料作物学报》 2013年第1期54-57,共4页

摘  要: 从全国各地引进的109个花生品种(系)中筛选出的5个适合辽宁地区生长的高产品种,分别为徐花5号、R03-3、唐油4号、丰花5号和汕油101,比较研究这5个品种在辽宁地区的开花特性。结果表明,5个花生品种在辽宁地区出苗后27~36d进入始花期;唐油4号始花期较早(6月18日),花期较长(50d),单株总开花量(258朵)和有效花量(87朵)较多;丰花5号和汕油101各指标居中;而徐花5号和R03-3始花期较晚(6月28日),花期较短(37d和41d),单株总开花量较少(160朵和185朵)。徐花5号第1、2对侧枝开花总量占全株总花量的比例最高,为86.8%;汕油101所占比例最低,为74.9%。5个品种侧枝上第1、2节位开花量较多,其余各节位开花数量较少,仅开2~4朵花。徐花5号、R03-3和丰花5号整个花期的每5d开花量呈单峰曲线变化,而唐油4号和汕油101呈双峰曲线变化,高峰期过后,各品种每5d开花量均迅速减少。 Five high yield peanuts varieties, Xuhua 5, R03-3, Tangyou 4, Fengnua 3 and Snanyou 101 were selected from 109 varieties introduced from other regions of China. Their flowering characteristics in Liaoning Prov-ince were compared. Results showed that five varieties began to flower at the 27th to 36th days after seedling. For Tangyou 4, the beginning flowering date (June 18 ) was the earliest, the duration for flowering (50d) was the longest, and the number of total flowers (258) and effective flowers (87) per plant were all larger. The beginning flowering date of Xuhua 5 and R03-3 (June 28)were late, their duration for flowering (37d for Xuhua 5 and 41d for R03-3) were short, and their total flowers per plant (160 and 185 respectively) were small. Fenghua 5 and Shanyou 101, however, were intermediate in these traits. On the first pair and second pair of lateral branches ,Xuhua 5 accounted for 86.8% of the total flowers of the plant, representing the highest proportion among those varieties. The proportion of Shanyoul01 was the lowest (74.9%). There were more flowers at the first and second nodes of the lateral branches than in other nodes, where only 2 to 4 flowers were detected. The flowering dynamics per 5 clays of Xuhua 5, R03 - 3 and Fenghua 5 exhibited the single - peak curves, while those of Tangyou 4 and Shanyou 101 showed bimodal curves. For all the 5 peanut varieties, after peak period, the number of flowers per plant within 5 days decreased rapidly.

关 键 词: 花生 引进品种 开花特性 开花量 开花期

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 胡宜安
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机构 中山大学生命科学学院生物系
机构 广州大学法学院


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