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Food Safety Governance——A Study Combing Information Technology and Institutional Arrangement

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学管理学院

出  处: 《中国工业经济》 2013年第3期98-110,共13页

摘  要: 中国频繁出现食品安全问题,现有质量抽检、安全监管等措施均出现失灵现象。基于此,本文从不完全契约理论和信息技术视角探讨如何选择更好的制度安排以更有效地解决食品安全问题。研究发现,由于契约的不完全性,传统信号发送和信息甄别制度对食品中的经验品和信任品失灵,但通过信息技术带来的信息透明和信息可追溯,可以部分解决不完全契约导致的问题。进一步,由信息技术与契约构成的混合治理机制,比任何单一方式都能更有效地确保食品安全。由此提出全供应链信息披露制度,并证明该制度是一个可以促成食品市场从混同均衡变成分离均衡的抵消性机制,是提高市场效率且改进社会福利的可行技术手段和制度安排。在此基础上,提出食品安全信息立法、新兴信息技术应用和食品质量信息披露平台构建等相关政策建议。 Increasing food quality accidents implicate the low monitoring efficiency of quality inspection and administrative safety control on food safety. Drawing on the incomplete contract theory and the perspective of information technology, we managed to theorize a more effective mechanism to solve the problem of food safety. The analytical model showed that traditional mechanisms, such as signaling or screening, don't exhibit strong impact on the quality of experience food and credence food because of incomplete contract. However, emerging information technology could partially eliminate and alleviate contract incompleteness through information transparency and traceability. In addition, hybrid governance mechanism, which is composed of information technology and formal contract, can further guarantee the food safety than any single one of the conventional mechanisms. Based on these findings, we proposed a regulation named "integrated supply chain information disclosure" and justified this method as an effective and feasible approach, which can not only facilitate the separate equilibrium of food market but also improve market efficiency and stakeholders' welfare. Finally, we put forward the corresponding policy measures, such as the legislation of food quality information disclosure and the application of new information technology.

关 键 词: 食品安全 不完全契约 信息技术 混合治理 信息披露

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 汪鸿昌
作者 吴文海
作者 张淑芬
作者 郑伟
作者 龚慧明


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟