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Landscape dynamics of aggradational coastal wetland in Jiangsu Province in the past three decades

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 南京农业大学园艺学院

出  处: 《生态学杂志》 2013年第3期696-703,共8页

摘  要: 以4期(1975、1990、2002、2010年)Landsat影像为基础数据,研究了近30年来江苏省滨海淤长型湿地景观组成与变化情况。结果表明,1975—2010年,江苏省滨海淤长型湿地面积从2100.18km2增长到3686.31km2,增长了75.52%;其中人工湿地(农业/渔业用地及盐田)面积增长了2.46倍(从514.97km2至1795.18km2),而以芦苇(Pragmites communis)、碱蓬(Saueda spp.)、茅草(Aeluropus littoralis)、米草(Spartina spp.)为主的盐生植物群落及光泥滩构成的自然湿地略有增长,但占湿地总面积比例从74.59%下降至50.30%。湿地宽度迅速从1975年的8.64±1.64km增长至2010年的(13.89±2.86)km,其中,人工湿地在多数地段均向海面有所延伸,而自然湿地在不同时期和地点消长互现。近30年来,湿地景观演化方向为光泥滩→盐生植物群落→农业/渔业用地;其中,农业用地多以围垦芦苇滩涂为主,而渔业用地大多以围垦碱蓬滩涂为主。 The landscape dynamics of the aggradational coastal wetland in Jiangsu Province in the past three decades were studied by using Landsat images acquired in four periods ( 1975, 1990, 2002 and 2010). The results showed that the area of the aggradational coastal wetland in Jiangsu Province increased from 2100.18 km2 to 3686.31 km2 ( increased by 75.52% ). The artificial wetland (including agricuhural/aquatural land and salina) increased from 514.97 km2 to 1795. 18 km2( increased 2.46 times) ; while the natural wetland (halophyte communities dominated by Pragmites communis, Saueda spp. , Aeluropus littoralis and Spartina spp. , and bare intertidal mud fiat) only increased a little, and the area percentage of natural wetland relative to the total wetland decreased from 74.59% to 50.30%. In the past three decades, the average wetland width increased from 8.64±1.64 km in 1975 to 13.89±2.86 km in 2010; the artificial wetlands extended to the sea in most locations, while the natural wetland extended and retreated in differ- ent periods and locations. The succession series of wetland landscape was intertidal mud fiat→halophyte communities→agricultural/aquatural lands. The agricultural lands were mainly re- claimed from the P. communis communities, while the aquacultural lands were mainly reclaimed from the Saueda spp. communities.

关 键 词: 农业 渔业用地 滨海滩涂 淤长型湿地 景观动态

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 蒋祖缘
作者 丁祎
作者 邱彭华
作者 徐焕焕
作者 彭亮


机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发