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A study on the cross compatibility of Lilium cultivars

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广西大学农学院

出  处: 《广西农业生物科学》 2000年第4期223-227,232,共6页

摘  要: 本文研究了百合的麝香杂种系、亚洲杂种系与东方杂种系品种自交、系内与系间杂交亲和性。各系均有自交亲和和不亲和的品种。同一杂种系内品种间杂交大都为亲和的 ,同时存在杂交不亲和现象。系间杂交则基本上是不亲和的。野百合自交不亲和并与其他品种杂交也不亲和。本文对交配亲和性的判断指标作了有益的探讨 ,是本研究的特色之一。有胚率、果实 (子房 )大小。 The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper. The results indicated that there were some cvs compatible and incompatible in selfpollination from different hybrid groups.Most of crosses in the same hybrid group were compatible.Most of crosses from different hybrid groups were incompatible. The correlation between the genetic relationship and cross compatibility was discussed too. Lilium brownii was selfincompatible and incompatible in the crosses with other cultivars. Some indices of compatibility were discussed initially. Percentage of embryo, fruit or ovary size and longevity of fruit or ovary were useful indices of compatibility.

关 键 词: 百合 交配亲和性 判断指标 品种 有胚率 选育

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 尹腾连


机构 广东轻工职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学


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