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Theoretical Innovation and Practical Breakthrough of Economic Compensation for Divorce——From the Perspective of Women’s and Children’s Rights and Interests Protection

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学法学院

出  处: 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第1期73-78,96,共6页

摘  要: 离婚经济补偿是离婚救济制度的重要内容,具有确认家务劳动价值、补偿家务劳动付出、弘扬夫妻互助、增进妇女和儿童权益等多重法律价值。创新和发展离婚经济补偿的理论研究,明晰离婚经济补偿之婚姻利益理论、人生计划权理论及劳动价值理论等理论基础,有助于完善当下离婚经济补偿制度在适用范围、请求期间和补偿数额等方面的不足,更有效地发挥离婚经济补偿制度的利益平衡价值,维护妇女和儿童权益。 Economic compensation for divorce is one of the important relief measures to the divorce party who contributes to housework and commits to the development of the other party during the existence of marriage. It also plays a significant role in protecting the rights and interests of women and children. However, further research on the theories of economic compensation for divorce is urgently needed, such as the theory of marriage interests, the theory of life-plan rights, and the theory of housework value. And the development of these theories help create a better remedy system of divorce in that it broadens the scope of application, expands the time span of application and increases the compensation amount, which in turn more effectively balances the interests of the divorce parties and protects women’s and children’s rights and interests.

关 键 词: 离婚 经济补偿 家务劳动 妇女儿童权益保障

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 余霞
作者 高雄飞
作者 孙清柳
作者 贾益东
作者 邓满源


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚