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Effect of Planting Density on Dry Matter Accumulation and Translocation Characteristic of Drip Irrigated Spring Wheat

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 石河子大学农学院新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室

出  处: 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第5期567-571,共5页

摘  要: 于2009-2010年,以新春6号为材料,开展了5个种植密度的田间试验研究,初步探究了北疆地区种植密度对滴灌春小麦干物质积累及转运特征的影响。结果表明,各处理的干物质积累量符合Logistic曲线模型,单株干物质积累最大值与快速生长期随种植密度增加呈先升后降的趋势,M3为峰值;不同处理的转运特征也呈现明显的差异,在花后干物质对籽粒的贡献率中,M3较CK高12.7%;M3的出叶积温比CK低34.3℃,在孕穗至灌浆阶段,M3的有效积温为最大值,较CK高183.0℃;各处理间的产量差异显著,产量与种植密度呈单峰曲线关系,种植密度为450kg/hm2(9.38×106粒/hm2,M3)的产量最高,分别比M1、M2、M4、M5和CK提高了43.4%、20.0%、6.4%、5.9%及29.3%。综合干物质特征及产量表现,本地区的滴管春小麦适宜种植密度450kg/hm2(9.38×106粒/hm2)能有效调控干物质积累与转运,使得群体结构更加合理,光合功能期更持久,可充分挖掘群体的生产潜力。 To explore the effect of planting density on dry matter accumulation and translocation characteristic of drip irrigated spring wheat in Northern Xinjiang,a study of 5 planting densities 300 kg/hm2(M1),375 kg/hm2 (M2),450 kg/hm2 (M3),525 kg/hm2 (M4),600 kg/hm% (MS) and 450 kg/hm2 (CK) of Xinchun 6 (Triticum aestivurn L. ) was conducted at Shihezi Univer- sity experimental station in the year of 2009-2010. Results showed that, the dry matter accumulation of treatments accorded with "Logistic" curve,in which M3 had the longest rapid growth duration with the maximum dry matter accumulation. The translo- cation characteristics of different treatments also had the obvious difference. The contribution rate of dry matter after flowering reached its maximum under M3,12.7% higher than that of CK. The effective accumulated temperature of M3 is 34.3"C lower than CK in seedling stage. M3 had the highest effective accumulated temperature from booting to grain filling stage, 183.0"C higher than CK. Wheat yield increased gradually and then decreased with increased planting density, reaching the maximum at the planting density of 450 kg/hm2 (M3) ,43.4% ,20.0% ,6.4% ,5.9% and 29.3% higher than that of M1,M2,M4,M5 and CK,respectively. In conclusion,the 450 kg/hm2 (9.38 X 10s grain/hm2 , M3) was a feasible planting density for drip irrigated spring wheat in NOrthern Xinjiang, which provided a feasible population structure,long-lasting photosynthetic function, and fully exploited production potential of drip irrigated spring wheat.

关 键 词: 种植密度 滴灌春小麦 干物质 产量

领  域: [农业科学]




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