机构地区: 广东培正学院
出 处: 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2013年第1期33-38,共6页
摘 要: 学术界还没人划分《西游记》400年被经典化史的几个阶段,于是有必要对此做尝试性的探讨。宏观来看,其经典化史分为三个大的阶段:第一次被经典化是明后期至晚清民国时期;第二次被经典化是1919至1978年期间;第三次完成经典化的时期是1979年至今。这三个阶段所形成的三个坐标轴,分别是胡适和鲁迅、毛泽东、袁行霈总主编的《中国文学史》第四卷及其第二版。 Based on the analysis of the 400 years' canonization of Journey to the West, this paper divides the historical course into three phases: Generally, the first phase is from late Ming dynasty to late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China; the second from 1919 to 1978 and the third lasts since 1979. Furthermore, the paper puts forward a new idea that there is a coordinate axis in each phase, which directs toward some central "person" or "works" respectively as followings: HU Shi and LU Xun in the first phase, MAO Ze -dong in the second phase and the fourth volume of A History of Chinese Literature chiefly edited by YUAN Xing - pei and its second version in the third phase.
领 域: [文学]