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Complicated Meaning and Poetic Sense of "GE" in Poetic Commentaries in Song Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学国际教育学院

出  处: 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期69-78,共10页

摘  要: "格"作为重要诗学范畴,其地位的确立是在宋代,在此之前,其内涵一般在"格法"层面,宋诗话大大丰富其内涵并启发了后代诗学概念。本文主要讨论"格"在超出形质之上这个层面的内涵,分为两层:一、"格"以单音词出现时,宋诗话常将其与立意、用语等因素一并讨论,格与意相互生成,密不可分,格与意都必须通过语言来传达、建构,格在与语言、立意的相互关系中,它体现在构思中对语言的使用、对结构的安排,但是格不是语言、结构本身,同时也不是诗歌要表达的主旨、思想、情感。当"格"作为一个诗学概念来品评诗歌,它常指诗歌所能传达出一种精神之美,即能摹物之神、达事件之本质、表现人的精神境界,但格又不是诗歌所传达的精神境界、对象神采、事件本质本身。所以格与诗歌的构成要素语言、结构、命意等等密不可分,但是它不等于这些实体要素,而是这些要素综合起来形成的气貌、神采。二、当"格"以复合词形式出现时,宋诗话主要使用了"风格/格调"、"气格/格力"、"体格/骨格"三组词,这些词与单音词"格"在意义上有联系,但是在具体使用时各有侧重,并成为明清诗学重要的诗学概念。 The position of "GE" as an important Song Dynasty. Before Song Dynasty, with regard poetic category is established by the poetry commentaries in the to method, the Song poetry commentaries greatly enriched its connotation and inspired poetic concepts of subsequent generations. This paper discusses the connotation beyond the form, which is divided into two layers : first, "GE" in the form of monosyllabic word appears in the poetry commen- taries, which is usually related to "YI". "GE" and "YI" are all expressed by the use of language and the arrangeanguage and the structure themselves. As a poetic concept, "GE" often indibeauty of spirit, but not the spirit and the nature themselves. Therefore, the but these elements are integrated to form connotations and spirit of "GE". Second, when "GE" appears in form of complex word, three main groups of words such as the "feng ge/gediao", "qi ge/ge li", "ti ge,/gu ge" are coming into existence in Song poetry commentaries. The connotation of these words' is related to the meaning of the monosyllabic word "GE", but in specific use they have their respective emphasis, which became the important poetic conceptions of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

关 键 词: 立意 用语 风格 格调 气格 格力 体格 骨格

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 黄爱平
作者 李思涯
作者 梁创荣
作者 刘锦理
作者 黎运汉


机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


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作者 彭晓春
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