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Contamination of microbiological aerosol generated by pathogenic microbiological labs

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室

出  处: 《中国社会工作》 2013年第5期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 目的通过模拟病原微生物实验室实验操作产生的微生物气溶胶,对实验室产生微生物污染风险进行定量研究,为实验操作人员危害评估和防护措施提供科学依据。方法使用黏质沙雷菌作为指示细菌,在实验室内对多种实验操作如吹吸混匀、培养瓶意外跌落、正常离心、离心管破裂、注射攻毒、解剖动物和安全柜泄漏等进行正常操作和意外事故模拟,使用定量空气采样和沉降平皿的方法对各种操作造成的微生物气溶胶风险进行定量分析。结果在本实验条件下,局部环境产生的微生物气溶胶浓度差异较大。吹吸混匀、培养瓶意外跌落、正常离心、离心管破裂、注射攻毒、解剖动物和安全柜泄漏产生的最大源强分别为1409、9346、<10、138、>8232、<4和>801 CFU/m3。结论病原微生物实验室各种实验操作产生的气溶胶源强差异较大,在局部环境中可以产生较高的气溶胶污染,应加强实验技能的培训和一级呼吸道防护装备的应用。 Objective To simulate the microbiological aerosol generated by the pathogenic microbiological lab, and to provide scientific data on risk evaluation and protection measures for lab assistants. Methods Serratia marcescens was used as the indicator microorganism. Many experimental operations and accidental cases were simulated in the lab, such as mix- up, accidental fall-off, centrifugal operation, centrifugal tube break,injection infection, anatomization of animals and leak- age of a biolsafety cabinet. The risk of microbiological aerosol was analyzed by quantitative air sampling and natural agar sedimentation methods. Results The concentration of microbiological aerosol was different under laboratory conditions. The highest intensity of the microbiological aerosol of mix-up was 1409 CFU/m3, accidental fail-off was 9346 CFU/m3, centrif- ugal operation was 〈 10 CFU/m3, centrifugal tube break was 138 CFU/m3, injection infection was more than 8232 CFU/m3, anatomization of animals was 〈 4 and biological safety cabinet leakage was above 801 CFU/m3 , respectively. Conclusion The intensity of the microbiological aerosol generated by pathogenic microbiological labs varies widely. A high concentration of microbiological aerosol can be generated in a local environment. Experimental skill training and application of primary respiratory protection equipments should be emphasized.

关 键 词: 病原微生物 微生物气溶胶 源强 实验室感染

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]



机构 广东工贸职业技术学院
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院经济贸易系


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