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Current Situation of College Students' Awareness of Copyright

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东商学院法学院

出  处: 《当代青年研究》 2013年第1期125-128,57,共5页

摘  要: 版权意识是落实版权制度、促进版权保护的基础。当代大学生作为社会年轻的知识群体,其版权意识具有重要的示范意义。当代大学生版权意识现状如何,具有什么特点?值得分析。以广州大学城的大学生作为样本对象,围绕当代大学生对于版权意识的诸多认知进行问卷调查分析,总结出其版权意识的有关特点,提出了提高大学生版权意识的有关建议:政府部门和司法机关发挥职能,为提高大学生版权意识营造良好的社会环境;开展有针对性的版权专题宣传活动,扩大受众范围;高校应加强课堂内外版权法律知识教育,拓宽交流平台;提高大学生的版权的主体意识,维护自身权利并积极履行义务。 The awareness of copyright lay the foundation of the implementation of copyright system and the promotion of copyright protection. Contemporary college students are the youthful group with knowledge whose awareness of copyright has significance of demonstration to the society. Consequently, it is worth analyzing the current situation and characteristics of their awareness of copyright. Setting the college students of Guangzhou University city as the sample object, this article investigates and analyzes kinds of cognition of contemporary college students" awareness of copyright, summarizes the relevant characteristics of their awareness of copyright, and puts forward a series of suggestions to improve their awareness of copyright. Government departments and the judiciary should play functions to create a good social environment for college students" awareness of copyright; related departments should conduct publicity campaigns target copyright topics and expand the range of audiences; colleges and universities should strengthen both inside and outside the classroom knowledge of copyright law education, and broaden the exchange platform; college students should raise the subject consciousness of copyright awareness, maintain their rights and actively fulfill their obligations.

关 键 词: 大学生 版权 版权意识 著作权

领  域: [社会学]


作者 蓝颖
作者 蔡梅华
作者 蔡佳琳
作者 陈雨杏
作者 付晨普


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 刘敏
作者 赵宇峰
作者 马卫红
作者 黄斌欢
作者 唐咏