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Effects of Intercropping Rice With Oenanthe javanica on Diseases,Pests and Weeds Hazards and Yield of Rice

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院生态学系

出  处: 《生态与农村环境学报》 2013年第1期58-63,共6页

摘  要: 通过田间对比试验,研究了水稻(Oryza sativa)常规单作栽培(CR)、水芹(Oenanthe javanica)常规单作栽培(CO)、水稻与水芹常规间作栽培(CRO)和水稻与水芹有机间作栽培(ORO)4种处理对水稻病虫草害和水稻产量的影响效应。结果表明,两种间作栽培处理水稻主要病虫草害均显著低于CR处理;在水稻分蘖初期,CRO和ORO处理叶瘟病病丛率分别比CR处理降低45.12%和47.58%;在水稻分蘖末期,CRO和ORO处理叶瘟病病叶率分别比CR处理降低41.38%和6.80%。在水稻孕穗期和成熟期,CRO和ORO处理稻飞虱数量分别比CR处理减少69.77%、44.39%和82.80%、78.08%。在稻田杂草防控方面,CRO和ORO处理杂草密度较CR处理分别降低48.36%和39.34%。CRO和ORO处理的土地当量比分别为1.11和1.33,较CR处理分别增产11.31%和33.11%。认为水稻与水芹间作栽培模式能有效控制水稻病虫草害的发生,并能起到良好的增产效果,其中水稻与水芹有机间作栽培的综合效益更为明显。 A field experiment was conducted to study effects of different rice-based cropping systems on DPW (diseases, pests and weeds) hazards and yield of rice. The experiment was designed to have four treatments, i.e. conventional rice farming system (CR, control) , conventional Oenanthe javaniea farming system (CO) , conventional intercropping of rice with Oenanthe javanica (CRO) and organic intercropping of rice with Oenanthejavanica (ORO). Results show that Treat- ments CRO and ORO were obviously lower than Treatment CR in DPW hazard; for instance, 45.12% and 47.58% lower, respectively, in number of hills infected with rice leaf blast at the early tillering stage, 41.38% and 6. 80% lower, re- spectively, in number of leaves infected with the disease at the late tillering stage, 69.77% and 44. 39% lower at the boo- ting stage and 82. 80% and 78.08% lower at the maturity stage, respectively, in number of riee planthoppers, and 48. 36% and 39. 34% lower in weed density, respectively. Treatment CRO and Treatment ORO was 1.11 and 1.33, re- spectively, in land equivalent ratio (LER) and 11.31% and 33.11% higher than Treatment CR in yield. In a word, the agroecosystem of intereropping rice with Oenanthe javanica especially in organic mode is obvious in comprehensive effect.

关 键 词: 水稻 水芹 间作 病虫草害 产量

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 郑子豪


机构 华南农业大学


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