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Characteristics of Mercury Exchange Flux Between Soil and Atmosphere Under the Snow Retention and Snow Melting Control

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院

出  处: 《环境科学》 2013年第2期468-475,共8页

摘  要: 位于松花江上游流域的夹皮沟金矿曾是我国采金量最大的矿区,广泛使用的混汞法提金工艺导致了严重的区域环境介质汞污染.为研究稳定性季节积雪及融雪控制过程土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量特征,选择区域内典型"山-谷"地形结构单元,沿坡面等距进行布点,使用动态通量箱法测定了各采样点土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量,使用塞曼效应汞分析仪(LUMEX Zeeman RA915+)测定了各采样点近地面(0~150 cm)垂直方向上大气汞浓度分布,分析了同步气象因子、积融雪控制下地表性质和近地面大气汞的垂直分布各因素对土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量特征的影响.结果表明,冬季积雪和融雪期间,大气中汞均有沿山坡向谷底汇集的趋势,在积雪冷源性下垫面所致逆温层结控制下,汞交换通量表现为明显的由大气向土壤(雪)的沉降过程.融雪期间雪融后地表土壤大气间汞交换通量表现为释放与沉降过程交替,仍然积雪地表大气间汞交换通量沉降水平明显弱于积雪期.分析土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与其影响因素间关系发现,积雪期土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与大气汞浓度和大气温度间均具有显著的负线性相关关系;融雪期土壤(雪)大气间汞交换通量与大气汞浓度间具有明显的负线性相关关系,与大气温度间具有正线性相关关系;雪融后裸露土壤大气间汞交换通量与地温间呈现一定的正线性相关关系. Jiapigou gold mine,located in the upper Songhua River,was once the largest mine in China due to gold output,where gold extraction with algamation was widely applied to extract gold resulting in severe mercury pollution to ambient environmental medium.In order to study the characteristics of mercury exchange flux between soil(snow) and atmosphere under the snow retention and snow melting control,sampling sites were selected in equal distances along the slope which is situated in the typical hill-valley terrain unit.Mercury exchange flux between soil(snow) and atmosphere was determined with the method of dynamic flux chamber and in all sampling sites the atmosphere concentration from 0 to 150 cm near to the earth in the vertical direction was measured.Furthermore,the impact factors including synchronous meteorology,the surface characteristics under the snow retention and snow melting control and the mercury concentration in vertical direction were also investigated.The results are as follows: During the period of snow retention and melting the air mercury tends to gather towards valley bottom along the slope and an obvious deposit tendency process was found from air to the earth's surface under the control of thermal inversion due to the underlying surface of cold source(snow surface).However,during the period of snow melting,mercury exchange flux between the soil and atmosphere on the surface of the earth with the snow being melted demonstrates alternative deposit and release processes.As for the earth with snow covered,the deposit level of mercury exchange flux between soil and atmosphere is lower than that during the period of snow retention.The relationship between mercury exchange flux and impact factors shows that in snow retention there is a remarkable negative linear correlation between mercury exchange flux and air mercury concentration as well as between the former and the air temperature.In addition,in snow melting mercury exchange flux is remarkably negatively linearly correlated to air

关 键 词: 大气汞 汞交换通量 动态通量箱 积雪融雪 金矿

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 黎泽普
作者 郭媛源
作者 姚彦
作者 宋环宇
作者 国世平


机构 广东外语外贸大学国际工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南农业大学理学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊