机构地区: 广东警官学院
出 处: 《外国语文》 2012年第6期119-124,共6页
摘 要: 翻译研究的心理转向要求翻译研究的重心从对翻译产品—功能导向的思辨式研究,转为对翻译过程中译者心理的实证研究。译者心理研究的描写路径和实验路径构成了译者心理的实证研究体系,两种路径的共通和互补,解决了译者心理研究的客观性和意义性统一问题,为完善翻译学科学与人文的双重性,寻求研究范式的整合开辟了道路。 The psychological turn of translation studies requires the focus of translation studies to change from the philosophical conceptual research of product-function orientation to the empirical research of translator' s psychology in the process of translation. The descriptive method and the experimental method constitute the empirical research system of translator' s psychology. The two methods have complementary advantages in achieving the unity of objectiveness and mean- ingfulness and the unity of humanity and science of translator' s psychology research. As a result, the scope of translation studies can be enlarged in a scientific way.
关 键 词: 译者心理 实证研究 描述路径 实验路径 方法论
领 域: [文学]