机构地区: 五邑大学
出 处: 《科教导刊》 2013年第1期233-234,共2页
摘 要: 档案信息开发利用工作是档案工作的出发点和归宿,随着我国社会政治、经济形势的变化,档案利用工作的形式和特点发生了较大的变化。加强新形势下高校档案利用数据统计与开发利用效果的研究,能有效改善档案信息资源的开发与利用,提高档案服务工作质量和服务水平。 File information development and utilization work is the starting point and destination of the files work, with the social and political economic situation changes, the forms and characteristics of the archives utilizing a larger change. College Archives under the new situation, the use of statistical data and the development and utilization of effect, can effectively im- prove the file information resources development and utilization, improve the file service quality and service levels.