机构地区: 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院
出 处: 《水泥技术》 2013年第1期21-23,共3页
摘 要: 本文以X-射线衍射分析、扫描电镜分析等方法研究大理石抛光粉处理硫化工酸性废水,并利用所得的副产品石膏作为水泥调凝剂。研究结果表明,用大理石抛光废粉作为处理硫化工酸性废水的一级中和剂,再以石灰或电石渣作为二级处理中和剂的工艺较为合适;以该工艺所得的副产品石膏除二水石膏外,还含有经废酸活化的细碳酸钙颗粒;利用其配制的普通水泥与二水石膏配制的普通水泥相比,标准稠度用水量略增加,凝结时间略缩短,胶砂强度略提高。利用大理石抛光粉处理硫化工废水副产品石膏作水泥调凝剂有利于循环经济。 It was studied in the paper by XRD and SEM that the new two stages treatment processing technology ofsulfllr chemieals wastewater by mart)le polishing powder and lime, and the effect of the properties of by-prod- uct gypsum from the processing as the retarder of cement. The resuhs showed that:The marble polishing pow(ler was the first's proper that the lime or carbide slag was the second neutralizer. The strength of ordi- nary Portland ('ement mixed by- product gypsum as retarder was higher than that of lhe ordinary Portland ce- ment using dihydrate gypsum as retarder, because the calcium carbonate in the by-product gypsum would partic- ipate in the hydration reaction and fnrm the calcium aluminum oxide earhonate hydrate, which was helpful to im- prove the cement slrength during the (',ement hydrated reaction.