机构地区: 湖南文理学院电气与信息工程学院
出 处: 《科技导报》 2013年第1期66-70,共5页
摘 要: 为解决在风机盘管机组(FCU)供冷性能测试过程中变工况实验次数非常多,非常费时和能耗大的问题,该文研究了运用灰色系统理论建立FCU供冷量与冷冻水温、进水量和进风温度变工况条件参数之间关系的GM(1,N)灰色模型,并利用该建模方法预测FCU变工况时供冷量估计值。结果表明,其建模拟合精度和预测估计精度都较高,能为生产FCU的企业和测试部门在做FCU变工况特性实验时,利用5~6个具有代表性典型工况的实验数据和以往同规格FCU更多工况的历史数据预测估计新批次或新产品变工况特性提供了科学有效的方法。该方法能使实验次数和实验能源消耗都减少为传统方法的5%以下,从而使FCU特性测试工作效率提高20倍以上。 To test the cooling performance of a Fan Coil Unit (FCU), a large amount of experiment has to be carried out, which is both time-consuming and energy-consuming. To solve this problem, in this paper, the grey system theory is used to establish a GM (1,N) grey model representing the relationship between the FCU volume and such parameters as the frozen water temperature, the cooling water volume and the wind temperature, to predict the FCU cooling performance under various working conditions. The results show that both the simulation and the estimation are satisfactory, and the method provides, a scientific and effective way for FCU enterprises and testing departments to estimate the working condition characteristics of new batches of FCU with only a few (5 to 6) typical experimental data and with the historical data of working conditions, thus to reduce the test time and the energy consumption to less than 5% of those by using the traditional method, and to enhance the FCU characteristics testing work efficiency by 20 times.