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Experimental method for impermeability of common ready-mixed mortar cement

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学土木与交通学院

出  处: 《混凝土》 2013年第1期63-65,共3页

摘  要: 普通预拌砂浆专用水泥是在现有预拌砂浆和砌筑水泥的基础上研制的新型水泥,其能够明显降低预拌砂浆的生产能耗和成本。配合广东省地方标准的编制,参考JC/T 547—2005中"试验用混凝土板表面吸水率"的试验方法,提出普通预拌砂浆专用水泥渗透速度的试验方法,并采用灰砂砖和加气混凝土砌块进行了试验研究。结果表明:水泥的渗透速度随着保水率的增大而降低,龄期对水泥渗透速度影响不大。建议试验方法是:以灰砂砖作为基底,制备10-12 mm厚水泥胶砂抹灰层,一组3块灰砂砖,干燥龄期取14 d,在每块灰砂砖上进行抗渗性能试验,水泥的渗透速度不大于9 mm/h。 The common ready-mixed mortar cement is a new type cement based on ready-mixed mortar and masonry cement, which can markedly reduce the energy consumption and the cost of ready-mixed mortar.For the preparation of standard of Guangdong Province.An experimental method of impermeability of common ready-mixed mortar cement was put forward on the base of the water absorption rate experiment on concrete surface in Standard JC/T 547-2005, and the autoclaved lime-sand bricks and autoclaved aerated concrete blocks were used as the bases to be studied.The results showed that, the seepage velocities of cements decreased with the water retention and with the age.Suggested experimental method was :rendered three autoclaved lime-sand bricks with 10 mm to 12 mm cement mortar and tested a sample on each autoclaved lime-sand brick after a dry curing of 14 days.The impermeability of cement was not larger than 9 mm/h.

关 键 词: 砌筑砂浆 抗渗性能 试验方法 玻璃管法

领  域: [建筑科学]




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