机构地区: 佛山职业技术学院
出 处: 《旅游世界(旅游发展研究)》 2012年第6期74-80,共7页
摘 要: 具有特殊的空间功能和空间形态的城市休闲空间,是身处休闲时代、体验经济、后现代流动性过程中的公民对社会生产与生活方式、城市发展模式、城市空间结构转换及公民休闲领地需求的必然结果。本文以问卷调查方法,获取佛山市居民休闲的需求数据,采用SPSS软件进行分析,较好地把握了目前佛山市居民休闲活动的特征、需求及满意度状况,在此基础上,找出佛山在城市休闲空间规划中存在的问题,并提出相应的规划建议。 Space has a special function and spatial form of urban leisure space, is an inevitable result of the demand to social product and life style, urban development pattern, city spatial structure transformation and citizen leisure territory for citizens who lives in an age of leisure, experience economy, post-modern mobility. In this paper, gets the data about leisure needs of residents in Foshan City by questionnaire survey method. And better grasp the characteristics of the current resident of Foshan City leisure activities, needs and satisfaction through using Spss software. On this basis, identify problems in planning of Foshan City leisure space, and make recommendations for appropriate planning.
领 域: [经济管理]