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Influence of Activation Temperature on Production of Byproducts during Preparation of Sludge-Corncob Activated Carbon

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《环境科学与技术》 2013年第1期20-24,共5页

摘  要: 文章研究了污泥-玉米芯活性炭(SCAC)制备过程中,活化温度对副产物(热解气和热解油)生成规律的影响。热解气和热解油分别采用气相色谱仪和气质联用仪进行分析检测。试验结果表明,随着活化温度的升高,SCAC的产量逐渐降低,热解气与热解油的产量则随之增多。不同温度条件下,热解气的主要成分均为H2和CO2,热解气中H2所占的体积百分数随着活化温度的升高而增加,而CO2则相应降低。此外,热解气中CH4的含量也会随着活化温度的上升而略有提高,说明较高的活化温度更有利于热解气的资源利用。热解油组分较为复杂,每个温度条件下的液态产物都包括上百种化合物,可分为烷烃,烯烃,苯类,酚类,腈类,杂环化合物,多环芳烃,有机酸,酰胺,酯类,甾体,醇,酮以及其他类共14大类型,其中以有机酸、腈类和甾体类有机物含量居多。随着活化温度的升高,有机酸和多环芳烃的含量有所增加,而酚类化合物的含量则有所降低;当活化温度升高至650℃以上时,甾体类有机物含量明显降低。 Influence of activation temperature on production of by-products such as pyrolysis gas and oil during the preparation of sludge-corncob activated carbon(SCAC)was studied.Pyrolysis gas and oil were detected by GC and GC-MS respectively.Results showed that the yield of SCAC decreased while the pyrolysis gas and oil increased with rise of activation temperature.Under different temperature conditions,H2 and CO2 were main gas products,and the higher activation temperature could increase more volume contents of H2 and CH4,whereas the opposite result was obtained for CO2,which indicated that high temperature can improve generation of hydrogen-rich fuel gas.Pyrolysis oils are complex mixture,which consist of hundreds of organic compounds falling into 14 categories,including alkanes,alkenes,benzenes,phenols,nitriles,heterocyclics,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs),organic acids,amides,esters,steroids,alcohols,ketones and others,in which organic acids,nitriles,steroids were dominant products.With the rise of activation temperature,the contents of organic acids and PAHs increased but the content of phenols decreased,and the content of steroids decreased clearly when temperature was up to 650 ℃.

关 键 词: 剩余污泥 玉米芯 活性炭 热解气 热解油 活化温度

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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