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Technological revamping of sulphuric acid plant based on off-gas enriched by activated carbon desulphurization

作  者: ;

机构地区: 山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司

出  处: 《硫酸工业》 2012年第6期27-29,共3页

摘  要: 介绍了新450 m2烧结机烟气活性炭脱硫富集烟气制酸系统流程和存在问题。针对喷淋塔进口烟气温度偏低、泡沫柱高度不足、干燥塔进口尘含量超高、分酸槽内酸泥堆积严重、成品酸色度差等问题采取有效改造措施。改造后系统运行正常,产品酸清澈透明。 The process and problems of the sulphuric acid plant based on a new 450 m2 sintering machine off-gas which is enriched by activated carbon desulphurization are introduced. Some improvements were made in accordance with lower gas temperature at spray tower inlet, insufficient bubble column height, high dust content at the inlet of drying tower, serious acid accumulation in acid distributor groove and darken product acid color. After retrofitting, the system operated well and the product acid became clear and transparent.

关 键 词: 烧结机 活性炭脱硫 烟气制酸 技术改造

领  域: [化学工程]




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