机构地区: 广东第二师范学院
出 处: 《心理科学》 2013年第1期20-25,共6页
摘 要: 采用自控速度的移动窗口技术,在3个实验中分别考察句法歧义消解的基本过程。阅读材料为不含有词汇歧义的英语句法歧义句。结果为:实验1的研究结果表明在语料中不存在歧义激发点的情况下,被试不会启动歧义的消解过程;实验2的研究结果表明当歧义激发点与解歧区重合时,人们会选用再分析机制来处理解歧区语料;实验3的研究结果表明当歧义激发点与歧义区重合时,人们会选用竞争机制来处理歧义区语料。本研究初步验证了基于激发点的权变模型关于句法歧义消解过程的相关设想。 Two competing and largely incompatible classes of models dominate the current sentence processing research. One is called the linear view. The other is called the Parallel view or the competing model. The best known account of this class is the constraint- based model. In the framework of the contingency model, the way the subjects deal with syntactic ambiguity depends on the contingent properties of the ambiguity motivator. The so-called " ambiguity motivator" refers to the information point that promotes or forces people to make a choice between the alternative analyses, According to the contingent properties of the ambiguity motivator, there are three conditions in the resolution of syntactic ambiguity. In the first case, the ambiguity motivator does not appear in any position of the corpus. In this case, the individual will generate an analysis based on their syntactic knowledge, context and their preference and so on. They will not attempt to do any deep processing to resolve the ambiguity. The mechanism people adopt to parse the ambiguity corpus is the same as the mechanism people apply to process the unambiguity corpus. In the second case, the ambiguity motivator appears in the region of the disambiguation region of the corpus. In this case, people will select the reanalysis mechanism to parse the corpus of the disambiguation and the subsequent regions. In the third case, the ambiguity motivator appears in the ambiguity region of the corpus. In this case, people will use the competition mechanism to parse the ambiguity corpus. In the present study, according to the motivator-based contingency model, three experiments were designed. The English syntactic ambiguity corpus was used to investigate the mechanism that people explored to process the ambiguity corpus in three conditions, namely, the absence of the ambiguity motivator, the ambiguity motivator in the disambiguation region, and ambiguity motivator in the ambiguity region. The task was self-paced word-by-word reading with a moving window display