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Mycorrhizas of Three Species of China's Protected Plants at Chebaling's Nursery

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《华南农业大学学报》 2000年第2期38-41,共4页

摘  要: 报道了广东省车八岭国家级自然保护区苗圃中观光木 (Tsoongiodendronodorum)、伞花木 (Eurycormbuscavaleriei)和伯乐树 (Bretschneiderasinensis)等 3种国家二级保护植物苗木的菌根特点和根际土VA菌根孢子的主要类型 结果显示 ,3种植物均可与真菌形成丛枝 泡囊型菌根 (vesicular arbuscularmycorrhiza) ,菌根感染率分别为 84 4 %、81 1 %、5 5 6 % 3种植物在根系形态上有较大的差异 ,但均无根毛 ,是典型的菌根营养型植物 3种植物根际土中的VA菌根菌孢子都比较贫乏 ,其中在伞花木根际土中分离了 1种孢子 ,伯乐树根际土中分离了 2种孢子类型 继续开展菌根生态学研究 。 Root morphology and mycorrhizas of the 3 year old saplings of Tsoongiodendron odorum, Bretschneidera sinensis, and Eurycormbus cavaleriei at the nursery of Chebaling National Nature Reserve were studied. Three species could form vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizas. Their infection rates were 84.4%, 81.1%,55.6%, respectively. These species are different in root morphology, but all of them do not have root hair, which may indicate their high dependence on mycorrhiza. The VAF spore density was low in the soil of the study site. One spore type was isolated from the soil of Eurycormbus cavaleriei and two types were from that of Bretschneidera sinensis . Further study on the ecology of the mycorrhizas of these protected species is of importance in conservation and development of these rare plants.

关 键 词: 伯乐树 观光木 伞花木 菌根 根系特征 保护

领  域: [生物学]




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