机构地区: 南京大学商学院
出 处: 《经济管理》 2013年第1期70-79,共10页
摘 要: 探讨差异化领导行为及其对团队创造力的影响是领导学和团队研究的前沿。在团队层面,成员主管支持感均值反映了主管对成员的整体支持水平,均值越大,主管总体支持水平越高,反之越小;成员主管支持感方差反映了主管对成员的公平性,方差越大,主管支持其成员的差别化程度越高,反之越是一视同仁。根据成员主管支持感水平和差别化程度两维度,本文把团队分成四类:公平支持型(高均值-低方差)、差别支持型(高均值-高方差)、支持贫乏但公平型(低均值-低方差)和支持贫乏且不公型(低均值-高方差)。与已有文献的单一视角不同,本文基于社会交换理论的互惠与公平两个视角,认为公平支持型团队的知识分享程度最高,从而团队创造力最高。来自65个高新技术企业301个工作团队的数据支持了本文假设。本文不仅进一步拓展了差异化领导行为研究,而且揭示了领导行为影响团队创造力的知识分享机制。 Research on differentiated leadership and team creativity is the frontier in the area of organizational behavior. Extant research has began to focus either on the effects of differentiated leader-member exchange (LMX) or on the differentiated transformational leadership. However, the differentiated effects of this kind of leadership have not been fully elaborated by the existing literature. In line with this stream of investigation, we move forward by extending that perceived supervisor support (PSS) by employees is a typical reflection of team leadership. At the team level, the average of supervisor support perceived by the team members reflects the level of support provided by the team leader; the standard deviation (SD) of perceived supervisor support reflects the distribution of support offered by the team leader among the members, which means that the higher SD the lower justice within the team. While the mean reflects the reciprocity logic of the social exchange theory, the SD reflects the justice logic. Using the two dimensions of mean and differentiation of supervisor support, we conceptualized perceived supervisor support at team-level and then classified teams into four different types: fairly high support (high-mean and low- SD) , differentiated high support (high-mean and high-SD), fairly low support (low-mean and low-SD), and differentiated low support (low-mean and high-SD). Integrating the two perspectives of reciprocity and justice, we hypothesize that fairly high support teams have the highest level of team creativity relative to the other three types of teams. Furthermore, we investigated the mechanism by which differentiated PSS influences team creativity. Because team creativity is not a simple aggregation of its member' s knowledge or perspective but rather a composition process which involve integration and elaboration of members' diverse knowledge and perspective, therefore we argue that the knowledge sharing among team members plays a mediation role betwee