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Applying "Paradigm Contending" to Tourism Research:Taking "Authenticity" Tourism Research as An Example

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学管理学院

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2013年第1期30-38,共9页

摘  要: 为了展现"范式争鸣"如何推动旅游学术研究向纵深发展,文章首先对库恩的科学革命与顾巴的范式四分类进行了概念澄清,接着以顾巴的"本体论—认识论—方法论"三论一体的范式观为基础,提出社会科学的"范式连续统"及"范式争鸣"理念,然后以"本真性"旅游研究为例,展现了"范式争鸣"激发理论建构、推动知识发展的历程。最后文章指出:(1)由于研究对象的属性特质,旅游社会科学研究既需要追求"客观"、"中立"的实证—后实证主义范式,亦需要建立提倡"反思"、"批判"、"辩证"、"理解"的各种新兴范式;(2)能够基于相互了解而达成范式间的有效对话是"范式争鸣"的必要前提,为此,旅游研究者应树立基于范式观的研究质量评价标准。"范式争鸣"正是通过多范式视角全方位地发现谜题、破解谜题、建构理论、发展知识来推动旅游社会科学向纵深发展的。 To demonstrate how " paradigm contending" encourages the development of depth and breadth in academic research into tourism, this paper first clarifies the concepts of Kuhn' s "scientific revolution" and Guba' s " four types of paradigms", before proposing the application of " paradigm continuum" and " paradigm contending" to tourism research. The latter ideas are based on Guba' s three-in-one paradigm structure, which comprises ontology, epistemology and methodology. Second, the author suggests that while Kuhn had a keen insight into the importance of paradigm for discipline development, his paradigm combining the ideas of "incompatible" and "revolution", based on the history of natural science, are not suitable for social science. The term "Paradigm war" is somewhat exaggerated with regard to social science. In fact, there are currently many contending paradigms that exist side by side in social science, each of which has its own survival space, and no particular one can take overall precedence. In light of the sociologist Alexandra' s "scientific thought continuum", the author suggests that to better understand the state of coexisting paradigms in social science, the concepts of "paradigm continuum" and "paradigm contending" are superior to "paradigm types" and "paradigm war". Third, the author describes the process by which "paradigm contending" inspires theory construction and encourages knowledge development in tourism social science, using " authenticity" tourism research as an example. From the 1960s to the 1990s, authentic tourism research went through a stage of theory construction in which old paradigms were continually queried and new paradigms emerged. Although all authentic tourism research has focused on the same questions relating to tourist motivation and experience, they have different research approaches and questions that are influenced by the respective paradigm. Objective authenticity, which focuses on tourist attractions'

关 键 词: 范式争鸣 本体论 认识论 方法论 本真性

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 赵映香
作者 岳德霞
作者 龚兵
作者 何先友
作者 鲍佳


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟