作 者: ;
机构地区: 五邑大学
出 处: 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第2期46-50,共5页
摘 要: 自古以来,人们一直沿用自然科学的线性思维方式对社会组织进行管理,从古希腊到近代莫不如此。但是,"人"是复杂的,社会组织自然也是复杂的。西方古近代的人们在管理实践中,对其复杂性逐渐有所认识。文章认为:古希腊-古罗马-中世纪时期的人力资源管理思想中,虽然简单朴素的线性思维方式占据统治地位,但间或有一些系统思维的火花;倡导人性解放的文艺复兴运动的兴起,是历史发展的必然结果。它直接推动了西方人力资源管理思想由线性思维向复杂性思维的阶段性转变。工业革命前后时期,虽然以机械论为主的线性思维开始走上舞台,但人力资源管理的复杂性思维不仅在理论,而且在实践中也初露端倪,开启了现代人力资源管理复杂性思想的先河。 Since the ancient times,people used the thinking mode of the natural scientific to manage it.From ancient Greece to modern times was true.In fact,"person" is complex,social organization is also complex.In the management practice,people gradually understand its complexity.The article think,in the human resources management thought of the ancient Greek,Roman,the Middle Ages,simple linear thinking mode is dominant,but sometimes there are some system thinking spark,the appearance of the Renaissance movement advocating human liberation,is inevitable result of the history development.It directly promoted the western human resources management thought's phased transformation from the linear thinking to the complexity thinking.In the industrial revolution period,the linear thinking began to get up on stage,but the complexity thinking about human resources management not only in theory,but in practice also arises,it started the precedent of the modern human resources management complexity thoughts.