机构地区: 淄博师范高等专科学校
出 处: 《淄博师专学报》 2012年第4期3-8,共6页
摘 要: 关于以什么标准来衡量一名小学教师是不是"合格教师",究竟具备哪些素质才能算合格或是优秀,长期以来缺乏概念性的指标体系,同时也阻碍了小学教师专业化发展。教育部在2011年岁尾颁布了《小学教师专业标准(试行)》,首次为小学教师专业化提供了国家专业标准,也为每一位小学教师提升专业发展水平,努力成长为小学生眼中的好教师提供了参考标准。我们从小学教师的"专业理念与师德""专业知识"和"专业能力"三个维度进行了初步梳理和解读。该标准是我国小学教师专业化进程中的重要里程碑,具有多方面的意义与价值。 For a long time, an index system is lacked concerning what is the essential quality of a primary school teacher, which hinders their professional development. At the end of 2011, the Minis- try of Education promulgated "the Professional Standards of Primary School Teachers (Trial)", pro- viding a national professional standard for the first time for primary school teacher specialization and reference for every primary school teacher to enhance their professional development level and grow to be a good teacher in the eyes of primary school students. This paper makes an initial interpretation from the three dimensions as primary school teachers~ "professional philosophy and ethics", "profes- sional knowledge", and "professional competence". A conclusion is drawn that the standard is an im- portant milestone in the process of the primary school teacher specialization in China, and has a wide range of meanings and values.
关 键 词: 小学教师专业标准 试行 教师专业化 专业理念与师德 专业知识 专业能力 口 一一 一 一
领 域: [文化科学]