机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》 2012年第4期1-4,共4页
摘 要: 移民是指离开原来的居住地迁移到其他地方定居或居住了较长时间的人口。以移民为基本成员的城市可称之为移民城市,它具有客强主弱和人口高度流动的特征。深圳移民文化以其开放性、兼容性、创新性极大地促进了深圳的发展。深圳移民文化以其开放性拓展了城市发展空间,以其兼容性营造了和谐发展氛围,以其创新性提供持续发展动力。 hnmigrants are a quite number of people who move away from their original residences to settle in other place or live there for a long time. The city that takes immigrants as basic members can be called immigrant city, which is characterized by having strong guest role but weak host role with its population highly mobile. Shenzhen immigrant culture with its openness, compatibility and innovativeness promotes the city development greatly. Expanding city development space with its openness, establishing harmonious development atmosphere with its compatibility and providing sustainable development power with its innovativeness.
领 域: [文化科学]