机构地区: 华东师范大学教育科学学院课程与教学研究所
出 处: 《北京大学教育评论》 2013年第1期63-82,191,共20页
摘 要: 我国重点学校制度的一个重要假设是重点学校可以把自身的高质量办学行为作为给其他普通学校的示范,但重点学校在办学上是否真的优于普通学校,学界和公众一直存在争论,并且已有争论大多没有证据支持。本研究运用全国5个城市60所学校校长问卷所获得的数据,对重点学校和非重点学校的校长领导行为进行分析。本研究获得的一个主要发现就是尽管重点学校和非重点学校在所有的背景变量上都存在显著差异,但它们的校长领导行为并不存在着明显的差异,重点学校有更好的办学质量这一假设并没有得到验证。本研究结果也提示,需要进一步关注为什么背景迥异的重点学校和非重点学校在校长领导行为上出现"同态化"趋势。 One of the standing rationales underlying the key-school policy in China assumes an exemplary effect of quality operational practices from the key schools to the ordinary ones.However there have been contesting research findings and arguments on the school advantage and better effectiveness produced by the key schools over the ordinary schools.Few empirical studies under rigorous methods and strong data have been found to contribute a meaningful argument on this issue.This study is based on a survey data from 60 school principals in 5 cities in China on their leadership behaviors practiced in the key and ordinary schools.It finds that principals in the key and ordinary schools have shown little distinctiveness in their leadership behaviors despite of significant school differences.Therefore the assumption for better quality of the key schools is not supported.This finding has implied a further discussion to explain the homogeneity of principals' leadership behaviors in the key and ordinary schools.