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Effects of SO_2 Stress on Eco-physiological Characteristics of Garden Plant Seedlings

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省林业科学研究院

出  处: 《水土保持研究》 2012年第6期247-253,共7页

摘  要: 为探讨28种广州市常用园林植物抗SO2污染能力,以2~3a生实生苗为材料,通过人工气候室的盆栽实验,测定了5.329mg/m3SO2浓度胁迫处理下其叶片气体交换参数、相对叶绿素含量和相对含水量生理生态指标,并利用隶属函数法及系统聚类分析法对其抗SO2污染能力进行了综合评价。结果表明:与相对清洁区相比,SO2污染胁迫下大多数植物叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、相对叶绿素含量和相对含水量均出现不同程度的下降,下降幅度因植物种类的不同而有较大的差异。综合隶属函数和聚类分析表明,桂花、夹竹桃、小叶榄仁、罗汉松、樟树、乐昌含笑、石栗、糖胶树、竹柏和铁冬青抗SO2污染能力强,黄金榕、海南红豆、红千层、澳洲鸭脚木、幌伞枫抗SO2污染能力较强,洋紫荆、菩提榕、长芒杜英、非洲桃花心和大花五桠果抗SO2污染能力中等,红花银桦、海南蒲桃、木棉、大花紫薇和人面子抗SO2污染能力较弱,而白千层、麻楝和复羽叶栾树抗SO2污染能力弱。研究结果可为火电厂、陶瓷厂、钢铁厂、石化厂等重度酸污染地区植物选择提供参考。 In order to explore the resistance of 28 common garden plant species to sulfur dioxide(SO2) pollution in Guangzhou City,2 to 3 year-old seedlings of these species were selected and treated in artificial climate chamber.Leaf gas exchange parameters,relative chlorophyll content and relative water content of these seedlings were determined under 5.329 mg/m3 SO2 stress,and their resistance to SO2 pollution was comprehensively evaluated by using fuzzy subordinate function and system cluster analysis.The results indicated that the leaf net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate,stomatal conductance,relative chlorophyll content and relative water content decreased to the different extent with regard to varieties of plants.Results from the fuzzy subordinate function and system cluster analysis showed that for the resistance of test plants to SO2 pollution: the strongest were Osmanthus fragrans,Nerium indicun,Terminalia mantaly,Podocarpus macrophyllus,Cinnamomum camphora,Michelia chapensis,Aleurites moluccana,Alstonia scholaris,Podocarpus nagi,and Ilex rotunda;the second strongest onse were Ficus microcarpa,Ormosia pinnata,Callistemon rigidus,Brassaia actinopfnylla,and Heteropanax fragrans;the moderate ones were Bauhinia variegate,Ficus religiosa,Elaeocarpus apiculatus,Khaya senegalensis,and Dillenia turbinate;the second weakest ones were Grevillea banksii,Syzygium cumini,Bombax malabaricum,Lagerstroemia speciosa,and Dracontomelon duperreranum;the weakest ones were Melaleuca leucadendron,Chukrasia tabularis,and Koelreuteria bipinnata.The study could provide a reference for the species selection in severely acid-contaminated areas such as thermal power plants,ceramic plants,steel mills,and petrochemical plants.

关 键 词: 园林植物幼苗 人工气候室 胁迫 生理生态特征 抗污染能力分析

领  域: [生物学]


作者 刘芬
作者 吴洪革
作者 伍天花


机构 嘉应学院体育学院
机构 嘉应学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
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