机构地区: 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
出 处: 《财经研究》 2013年第1期82-92,共11页
摘 要: 文章运用队列分析方法,基于中国工业企业数据,从企业代际和年龄视角诠释了劳动收入份额变动模式。结果表明:(1)劳动收入份额代际效应呈"U形"特征,1985年后诞生的企业呈逐代上行趋势;劳动收入份额年龄效应呈"倒U形"特征,在企业年龄为30年达到峰值;不同所有制企业的代际效应和年龄效应明显不同。(2)所有制变迁和技术进步对代际效应与年龄效应皆有解释力,但所有制变迁的影响相对更突出。上述结果表明,不同代际的企业在其成长路径上都带有制度变迁之"烙印",进而形成要素分配的系统性差异。这为理解我国当前国民收入分配问题提供了新的线索。 Based on the data of Chinese industry businesses, this paper employs cohort analysis to quantitatively analyze the change patterns of labor income share from the perspective of firm generations and ages. The empirical results are as follows: firstly, the generational effect of labor income share of enterprises is featured by a distinct U-shaped curve, which experiences an upward trend in enterprises found after 1985, and the age effect an inverse U-shaped curve, which reaches a peak at the corporate age of 30; the generational and age effects vary obviously with ownership; secondly, the changes in ownership and technical progress offer an explanation for the generational and age effects and the former has relatively more significant influ- ence. The results abovementioned indicate that, institutional transition has left its mark on the growing-up of enterprises with various generations, thereby leading to the systematic distribution differences of returns to factors. It undoubtedly provides a new clue to current national income distribution in China.
领 域: [经济管理]