机构地区: 中国电器科学研究院广东广州I510000
出 处: 《广东化工》 2012年第17期41-42,52,共3页
摘 要: 针对对苯二甲酸(PTA)和新戊二醇(NPG)合成聚对苯二甲酸戊二酯(PPT)出现的问题,应用PRO/II化工模拟软件对间歇反应精馏过程进行模拟优化,模拟结果与实际生产数据相吻合,相对误差在0.29%~7.85%之间;提出了减少塔顶馏出液中新戊二醇含量、精馏时间的工艺优化方案:以该工艺优化方案为依据对生产装置改造,改造后与改造前相比,精馏时间缩短了2.92h。 Batch reactive distillation process was simulated by using the PRO/II software. The relative deviation of component content of NPG, water in tower top and distillation time were 4.02 %, 7.85 % and 0.29 % comparing with the production data respectively. The process optimization cases were proposed, compared with the original production data with the optimum proposal, distillation time could be shortened by 2.92 h.
领 域: [化学工程]