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The kinetics of volume shrinking process of P(NIPAAm-co-AMPS) hydrogels

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院城市建设学院

出  处: 《仲恺农业工程学院学报》 2012年第4期38-42,共5页

摘  要: 采用水溶液聚合法制备出了P(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-co-甲基丙烯酸N,N-二甲氨基乙酯)(P(N-isopropylacryl-amide-co-2-acrylamido-2-met hylpropane sulfonic acid),P(NIPAAm-co-AMPS))共聚水凝胶,并对达到溶胀平衡的水凝胶在不同价态金属离子溶液中的体积收缩变化动力学进行了研究.结果表明,水凝胶在Ag+、Cu2+、Fe3+等3种金属离子溶液中均发生体积收缩的响应变化,并且这种变化程度随着溶液中金属离子浓度的增加而增加.由"指数衰减第一顺序"函数可以较好地拟合水凝胶体积收缩响应过程的试验数据,拟合曲线的相关系数在0.98以上;在相同浓度不同种类的金属离子溶液下,水凝胶的平衡体积收缩比(V∞/V0)顺序为Ag+>Cu2+>Fe3+,消溶胀速率常数Kd大小顺序为Fe3+>Cu2+>Ag+.共聚物水凝胶在3种金属离子溶液中重新吸液溶胀后的体积均可达到原来的90%以上,表现出较好的体积收缩-溶胀可逆性. P ( N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-acrylamido-2-met hylpropane sulfonic acid ) ( P ( NIPAAm-co- AMPS) ) gels were prepared by free-radical polymerization, and the kinetics of volume shrinking process of a series of swollen hydrogels in different metal ionic solutions were investigated. The results showed that hydrogels had a responsive volumetric shrinking behavior in Ag + , Cu2 + , Fe3+ metal ionic solutions, and such deswelling extent increased with rising metal ionic ordered function, the volume shrinking process of the hy concentration. Using decaying exponential first- drogels could be well fitted with the correlate co- efficient above 0. 98. Under a fixed concentration of different metal ionic solutions, the order of equilibri- um volume shrink ratio (V∞/V0) of hydrogels were Ag+ 〉 Cu2+ 〉 Fe3+ ,and the order of de-swelling speed constant Kd were Fe3 + 〉 Cu2+ 〉 Ag +. In addition, the reswelling volume of the collapsed hydro- gels could be up to 90% in deionized water after the gels deswelled in heavy metal ion solution, which in- dicated that swollen hydrogels exhibited a reversible shrinking/swelling behavior.

关 键 词: 异丙基丙烯酰胺 甲基丙烯酸 二甲氨基乙酯 水凝胶

领  域: [理学] [理学] [一般工业技术]




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