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Limited feedback unitary codebook design algorithm based on Khatri-Rao matrix product

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院信息与通信工程系

出  处: 《电路与系统学报》 2012年第6期31-36,41,共7页

摘  要: 针对有限反馈多输入多输出(MIMO)系统,提出了一种用于信道状态信息(CSI)量化的KRP(Khatri-RaoProduct)酉码本设计算法。该码本的设计中首先定义了一个相移键控(PSK)符号向量集合,随后在用PSK符号向量构造了一个准范德蒙矩阵的基础上,利用任意一个酉矩阵与准范德蒙矩阵作Khatri-Rao积来生成不同的酉码本矩阵。与现有的Grassmannian码本相比,提出的KRP码本在生成酉矩阵集合时无需进行最优搜索,复杂度大为降低。理论分析及仿真结果表明,KRP码本的最小弦距离恒大于零,而且采用KRP码本作为有限反馈预编码可使系统获得满天线分集,当反馈比特数相同时,KRP码本的性能优于Grassmannian码本。 A new KRP (Khatri-Rao Product) unitary codebook design algorithm for CSI (Channel State Information) quantization is proposed for the limited feedback MIMO (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) system. In this algorithm a set of PSK (Phase Shift Keying) symbol vectors is first defined, and then a quasi Vandermonde matrix is constructed by using the defined PSK symbol vectors. Finally, a certain unitary matrix is used to make the Khatri-Rao product with the above quasi Vandermonde matrix to generate the different unitary codebook matrices. Compared with the existing Grassmannian codebook, the proposed KRP codebook does not require any computer search and therefore has lower complexity. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed KRP codebook always has the positive minimum chordal distance, and the MIMO system can obtain the full diversity by using KRP codebook as the limited feedback unitary precoder. Moreover, the performance of KRP codebook outperforms that of the Grassmannian codebook for the same number of feedback bits.

关 键 词: 系统 有限反馈 预编码 酉码本 矩阵积

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]




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