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The significance of the traditional festival in the construction of place identity:A case study of the Winter Jasmine Flower Market in Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州市广播电视大学

出  处: 《地理研究》 2012年第12期2197-2208,共12页

摘  要: 节庆是地理学研究地方认同的一个重要视角。广州"迎春花市"与广府人"年卅晚行花街"的传统民俗密不可分。一年一度的地方民俗节庆"迎春花市"作为广府地区的特质文化形式,在塑造地方认同中具有独特意义。本文基于新文化地理学视角,采用问卷调查、参与式观察、深度访谈等方法来搜集数据,对问卷数据利用SPSS17.0进行频数统计、描述性统计分析、数据质量分析、因子分析和单因子方差分析,对访谈记录、网络资料等定性资料进行文本分析。结果显示:(1)地方认同形成过程包含认知、情感和意向三个心理过程,迎春花市在这三个层面上都对地方认同的建构有积极作用。特别是,政府尊重民意举办花市之举措有利于促进地方认同的建构;(2)广州世居居民、父辈移居广州者、己辈定居者三类群体对迎春花市的认同过程存在一定差异。尽管,节庆能很好地将不同群体整合进更大的社区,但是新来者要成为"本地人",建立起地方认同仍需假以时日。这些发现将有助于理解广州不同文化身份市民的文化融合及地方认同的形成原因。 Festival is one of the most important perspectives from which geographers examine place identity. The Winter Jasmine Flower Market in Guangzhou is closely linked to the Cantonese Chun folk custom of "line of Flower Street". As a local festival, the Winter Jasmine Flower Market has its unique function in constructing local place identity, Espe- cially in a background of Guangzhou creating a national urban centre and the world cultural city, the flower market has been regarded as an important form of the Cantonese unique culture. From the perspective of new cultural geography, this paper adopts methods inclu- ding questionnaire survey, participant observation and interview to explore the role of the flower market in shaping the local place identity. This paper used SPSS17.0 to analyze quantitative data from 185 valid questionnaires and explained the results with 15 copies of interview records and online comments. The results are as follows. (1) The place identity includes cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions and the flower market has positive influence on the construction of place identity for the three dimensions. Especially, the fact that the government supported the public opinion helped strengthen the construction of local identity. (2) There are significant differences among the Guangzhou locals, emi- grants with their parents and the new emigrants. The newcomers need time to become "locals'. All these findings will help improve place identity of all different groups in Guangzhou and create a harmonious society.

关 键 词: 地方认同 传统节庆 迎春花市 广州

领  域: [理学] [理学]



机构 广东石油化工学院


作者 刘广平
作者 彭刚
作者 杨科
作者 陈艺云
作者 崔淑慧