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Ouyang Xiu’s Research of Book of Changes and the Turn to Classical Style Prose

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系

出  处: 《文艺理论研究》 2012年第6期27-34,共8页

摘  要: 欧阳修是宋代经学家、文学家,在这两个领域他都是开风气之先的人物。宋初百年的经学是经学史上非常重要的"变古"时期,初步建立了与"汉学"对峙的"宋学"。欧阳修是参与者更是领导学风转变者,他的经学学风主要有以下几个特点:怀疑、平易、实用和简要。欧阳修一身二任,既引导了经学学风的转变,又在宋代古文运动中引导了文风的转变,他对古文文体的推崇,对平易文风的提倡,对实用文风的强调以及对简而有法的文风的身体力行,使得古文创作走上了正轨。欧阳修所引导的经学学风转变与古文文风转变既同步进行,也保持着方向与趋势的一致性。 Ou Yangxiu had been a pioneer both as a writer and a scholar of Chinese Classics. The study on Chinese Classics in Song Dynasty was uniquely important for it represented a turn to the classical way, and the Study in Song Dynasty was established against the Study in Han Dynasty. During the process, Ouyang Xiu was both the initiator and promoter with great achievements. Characteristics shown in Ouyang Xiu' s style in Chinese Classics study may be summarized to be skeptical, plain, practical and laconic. Meanwhile, Ouyang Xiu had also integrated his style in China Classics study into his prose writing and promoted the Classical Prose Movement. His admiration for the style in the classical prose, promotion of plain unassuming style in writing, and emphasis on practical writing had helped the prose writing to pursue a style nurtured by the Study of Chinese Classics. Key words: Ouyang Xiu Chinese Classics Study Book of Changes classical style prose

关 键 词: 欧阳修 经学 周易 古文

领  域: [文学]


作者 马新钦
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作者 吕欣


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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作者 徐丽华
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