机构地区: 中国地质大学北京能源学院
出 处: 《科技导报》 2012年第32期32-41,共10页
摘 要: 在深入了解油田伴生地热能与常规地热能特征的基础上,研究和分析了现有油田伴生地热资源的评价方法及其改进方法,并对中国油田伴生地热资源现状进行了初步探讨,结果表明,中国主要油田区深度5000m以内地热资源总量为6000×108t标准煤。利用数值模拟方法研究了油田热储温度的主要影响因素与变化规律,结果表明,回注温度越高、回注流量越低,利用油田采出液发电时热储的温度下降越慢。分析了油田伴生地热发电方法与化石能源、太阳能、风能发电方法相比的优势,评价了现有国内外油田伴生地热发电示范工程,论证了油田伴生地热发电的可行性,提出了一种既能满足开发油田伴生地热要求又能提高石油产量的高效油热电联产方法。最后,对油田伴生地热的高效开发和利用,尤其是地热发电的前景进行了讨论和分析。 The methods for estimating geothermal resources coexisted in oil and gas fields have been investigated and modified according to the difference between conventional and coproduced geothermal resources. The current status of geothermal resources coexisted in oil and gas fields in China has been reviewed and studied. The main factors that affect reservoir temperature have been investigated using numerical simulation. The modeling results showed that the decline rate of reservoir temperature decrease with the decrease in water reinjection rate but decrease with the increase in temperature of reinjected water. The advantages of power generation using geothermal energy coexisted in oil and gas reservoirs have been analyzed in comparison with using solar and wind energy. Some of the pilot projects of power generation using coproduced geothermal energy in the world have been appraised and discussed. "High efficiency method for producing oil-heat-electricity simultaneously" has been proposed after the feasibility of generating electricity using coproduced geothermal resources was proved. The method can meet the requirements from both enhanced oil recovery and developing geothermal energy. Finally, potential and prospect of efficiently developing and utilizing geothermal resources coexisted in oil and gas fields, especially electricity generation, have been analyzed and predicted.
关 键 词: 油田伴生地热 资源评价 热储温度 地热发电 油热电联产
领 域: [电气工程]